Monday, March 21, 2011

Social media in education 2011: Using Twitter, Facebook and blogs in the classroom from high schools to colleges

Below are some useful links to resources I found during my investigation into using social media tools in education. Since technology changes rapidly, I was frustrated to discover that much of the information was dated prior to 2008. It was difficult to find current and relevant information on today’s uses of social media, so I compiled a list of the best sites and resources that I have found to save you the trouble of sifting through outdated material. Many of these resources are dated 2008 but the tips and techniques can be translated to 2011.  

In the future, I will come up with a guide of my own as I delve further into integrating social media into the classroom. Enjoy the links and I hope you find my presentation to be helpful in engaging the 21st century learner in your classroom.

This article came from my two hour presentation at a teacher conference for culinary arts educators called FENI (Food Educators Network International).  I was charged with the task of bringing educators who wouldn't normally use these social tools and find a practical use at the conference.  It was a overwhelming success in both having teachers use these tools at the conference and then further bringing it home into their classroom.

Presentation Materials

Nai's amazing PowerPoint - The PowerPoint used during the awesome presentation! Sorry, video clips not included.
Web 2.0 Cheat Sheet - A sheet defining social media tools to be used by teachers at the conference.
Technology Assessment - A short survey of how teachers familiarity with common social media tools.
Technology Survey Results Spreadsheet - A Google spreadsheet with all the entries tabulated for you stats geeks. Interesting.
Evaluation fillable form - This form was used to evaluate our presentation. If you did not fill one out, do so and be brutally honest. I promise I won't cry.
Video of Social Networking for Administrators - This one hour presentation was made to the administrators of Alabama on how to integrate social media into their schools and I also spoke on cell phones in the classroom.
VIDEO of The World is Connected presentation - The long awaited presentation video. At 5 minutes into the presentation, you will notice something cool pop up in the lower left corner. Watch it, share it with friends, tear it apart, it's there for you to watch and be entertained by.
Nai's Article in Techniques Magazine - For the curious, here's my article from my interview with ACTE.
Nai's podcast with ACTE Techniques - For those who cannot get enough of my voice and want to hear me blabber on about education's future with technology.
VIDEO of the Twitter contest winner - This great video was taken of the raffle winner. It describes how a teacher who grew up during the moon landing embraced social media and signed on for the first time and contacted her students.


WSJ Bakery using social media - A really great article showing how a bakery is using social media to bring a personalized experience to its patrons. I referenced this during the presentation.
WSJ Burger place using custom food - A good article about how a burger joint differentiates itself using social media tools.
David Kassan iPad - An artist using an iPad to create amazing works of art with just his fingers.


Interesting Ways to use stuff in education - A great web resource full of great ideas, some dated but still applicable to today's classroom.
Classroom 2.0 - A community of teachers searching for better ways to use web tools in the classroom.
Engadget - A gadget person's dream site for the latest news on everything geeky.
7 Free social media tools for teachers - A good site showing some free tools.
Social tool videos in plain English - A great source for short, fun, easy- to- understand videos on social media tools such as Twitter and Wikis.


Twitter in education resources - A teacher- compiled list of Twitter resources in 2009. Great stuff.
100 tips, apps and resources for teachers on Twitter - An extensive list of tools and tips.
Twtpoll - Poling on Twitter made easy!
Thoughts on Twitter in academia - A blog post with some poignant thoughts on use.
Twitter writing exercises - A blog post of a teacher who tried Twitter for an assignment and the results.
Can Twitter be used in education - A paper presented in 2008 on microblogging
UT Dallas Twitter experiment - YouTube video of an ABC news feature. Great video and is a must watch.
Twitter for Teachers - Why use Twitter in teaching and learning document.


Wikispaces - You are here! A wiki server that gives free accounts to educators!
10 Best Practices on Wiki in Education - The title describes it all. This 2008 post on using wikis in education.
Wikia - A place for everything not Wikipedia. This is a great example of what a fan-driven wiki site should be. There is more information on Harry Potter, Glee and Star Wars here than you could ever think possible. The true definition of FANATIC!
Wiki Etquette - A sample etiquette document submitted by a school for proper use of wikis.
WikiPatterns - Spot a bad pattern before it becomes worse, ways to spot and prevent bad online social behavior.
Wikis in the classroom examples - Some examples of wikis used in a classroom.
Why we wiki - A slide show depicting the reasons to use wikis at school.
5 Strategies on Wikis - A short, concise article showing how one would use wikis in the classroom.
Wiki on Classroom wikis - Yet more proof in the pudding. Good ideas found here.


100 ways to use Facebook in the classroom - Great tips and ideas (mostly post secondary).
Do's and Don'ts of Facebook in secondary - A good list of suggestions on proper use and ideas.
Using Facebook to strengthen communication - A short article by a teacher with some helpful suggestions.
Useful Facebook apps - A list of 25 useful education orientated apps for Facebook. Dated 2008 but still useful.
Facebook's very own appstore for education - Hundreds of apps with an education focus right on Facebook's page.
Article Facebook keeps classes on schedule - An article from Feb 11, 2011 on how Warren County PS uses Facebook to communicate to students and parents during snow days.
Article Tampa Bay schools wrestle with role of social media - A good article pointing out the struggle of schools accepting this medium. No real good solutions found but it is a step in the right direction.
Birdville HS Watauga MSl Birdville ISD - A school and a district who have successfully integrated Facebook.


Web 2.0 on Blogs - Excellent compilation of links pertaining to the use of blogs in education. If it wasn't dated 2008, this would be all I need.
Blogs in the Classroom - Good links and examples on blog use in the classroom.

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